I have uploaded a list of tracks contained in the Echoprint database to our server and you can check it out via http://echoprint.me/data. (This is much easier for humans to read than the raw JSON dumps, and it is only 11 MB.)
I have uploaded a list of tracks contained in the Echoprint database to our server and you can check it out via http://echoprint.me/data. (This is much easier for humans to read than the raw JSON dumps, and it is only 11 MB.)
The latest release of Echoprint Codegen, version 4.12, is now available for download.
This is a stable maintenance release consisting of bug fixes and documentation updates. There are no changes to the fingerprint codes which are output by the codegen.
It is available from GitHub via the “release-4.12” branch at http://github.com/echonest/echoprint-codegen/tree/release-4.12
The following command line invocation will download Echoprint Codegen using Git:
$ git clone -b release-4.12 [email protected]:echonest/echoprint-codegen.git
This method clones the repository and then switches HEAD to the “release-4.12” branch. The software can then be compiled and installed from there according to the instructions in README.md .
Alternatively, and perhaps more easily, you can download a self-contained zipball or tarball from http://github.com/echonest/echoprint-codegen/tags The tag is “v4.12”. Downloading the software this way does not require Git.
We’re very excited to announce Echoprint to the world. Echoprint is in its infancy. We’re ready to release it to the world for feedback and general use.
What does this do?
Echoprint is a music fingerprint or music identification service. It listens to music signals and tells you what song is playing. It’s backed by a huge database of music that grows with the community and further partnerships.
Who is this for?
Echoprint is a suite of tools for developers and the music industry. There is no “Echoprint app” in the app store, although we’re sure within weeks there will be. This is for developers of music applications. If you’re building a mobile music experience, you’ll want to use this. Or if you’re sitting on top of a large database of music. Or if you want to deduplicate your collection, do copyright detection, or resolve your users’ catalogs to yours.
Really open source? Can I use this commercially?
Yes and yes. The code generator is MIT and the server is Apache 2. There is absolutely no restrictions to using the code generator or server in your app. Check them out on GitHub. If you use our data, you’ll need to read the data license – but it only says that if you collect new fingerprints, you have to contribute them back to the community.
Does it work “over the air”, identifying songs over a microphone?
Yes - Echoprint has been designed from the ground up for OTA, and our informal tests have demonstrated many successful and promising results for this scenario. The system still needs a little more tuning, however, and is under continued development to further improve accuracy and performance.
Can it scan a file to get the correct metadata?
Yes! From anywhere in the file, at least 20 seconds of audio signal is needed.
Is this ready to go? Is it mature? How can I trust you guys?
It’s ready to go, but check our status page for some important notices. One main caveat: OTA eval is not yet finished, although it is promising. We’ve been running fingerprinting at serious scale for developers and our customers for over a year now. We know about all the problems and scale issues. The Echo Nest is in the business of making everyone’s lives more awesome.
Does it scale?
Yes. Echoprint’s closed source brother, ENMFP, has been in wide use for about two years and has close to 60 million tracks on a single server. Echoprint uses the same back end. Depending on your architecture, a single box can match 50 queries a second. The code generator is blisteringly fast– you can scan enough audio for a query in less than a tenth of a second.
What do I do now?
Join the discussion group. Download the codegen or server from GitHub and build it.
This is awesome / I want to help!
p>Yes! Check out the code and file pull requests or issues.